
I'm like a fly Malcom X, buy any jeans necessary

For a limited time (ie. right up until the first cease-and-desist letter), I'll make my seminar presentation available as a, I dunno, service to the chemical community? The names, as well as some of the layouts (for those of you who were there) are different, to protect the innocent (and guilty) and because I had a bunch of very tasteful animations that needed to be deconvoluted for this handout. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same thing.

As I've mentioned before, my seminar was a brief survey on cruciform pi-systems, focusing on three systems and their applications to nonlinear optics and ion sensing. The three systems don't have much in common with one another (I got creamed on that by some profs), but it's an interesting structural motif. Hopefully it serves as a gateway into the study of these compounds, which might prove interesting to some of you. There's isn't much in the way of review articles for this structural motif, so think of it as a gateway.

Enjoy! (If there are errors, mistakes, you hate it, etc.- please leave a comment. You will be judged accordingly. Harshly.)


Chemgeek said...

Awesome, now I don't have to prepare my organic lecture for tomorrow. I hope my students enjoy my lecture on cruciforms.

Unknown said...

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Around here, the figures on pages 56, 58, and 62 of your presentation are known as "Bunz plots". I don't think he publishes a sensing paper without the pretty colors.

Excimer said...

Well, what's the point of publishing a paper WITHOUT pretty colors? (This is CBC, after all. We only care about one thing.) Bunz is a very... colorful person in general. When I was at Ga Tech (I didn't work for him) I should have taken pictures of his labs. They're purple. Very purple.

Wavefunction said...

I will get you, my pretty pretty picture

Anonymous said...

Very pretty presentation - you should put is on the side-bar of CBC permanently.

Looking at some synthetic schemes in your presentation, I was thankful I don't have to make these molecules.

How is it with the stability of these things - I have only limited experience with conjugated colorful compounds but my impression was they liked to isomerise on light and oxidized easily. Does the aryl substitution improve the stability?

Excimer said...

All of the compounds I showed are air- and light-stable indefinitely. Most interestingly, the stability of the Diederich tetrakis(phenylethynyl)ethenes is quite high, which is surprising considering the reactivity of free tetraethynylethene. Most of the compounds they made with free alkynes were not stable for long periods of time, though. Arylation (or just functionalization of the acetylene) definitely helps with the stability, most likely due to conjugation effects (those things are planar).

Anonymous said...

So Jesus walks into Diederich's lab and hands the grad student three nails and asks....

have you heard this one before?

Anonymous said...

Yea, it's pretty old one.

Jesus walks into Diedrich's lab and hands three nails to a student. And the student rolls his eyes and says: "Jesus, are people ever gonna tire of this joke?"

Anonymous said...

The three systems don't have much in common with one another

"Non-Zero Functionality and Application Vector Cross-Products of Formally Orthogonal Cruciform Photophore Milieus."

When you need research in th worst way possible - Uncle Al's way.

Anonymous said...

Tro, Mayster Shayk, the comediee dees haue gret cliche tho whan spaken in the Englashes of goode tymes, it has more lyfe. Behol:

Our lorde NanoJesu walke unto oon lab of alchemist Diedrieche and did heed the grydeuat clerk and did gave unto hym III nayols wrot from yron and beseecht hym "Canst thou put mine bode up for the nyte?"

Ψ*Ψ said...

Your slides are PRETTY.
I so want Keynote now.
Why didn't you use your (real) name?

Excimer said...

Cause it's funnier this way, my wavenizzle conjugizzle. Also check the last slide. ;)

So Jesus walks into Jim Tour's lab one day and noone is surprised.

Ψ*Ψ said...

Yeah, I saw it. :)

Anonymous said...

I like your slides and not only because it seems that you made them using Keynote ;-)

Anonymous said...

How long was this talk?

Excimer said...

50 minutes