Random Polish P-Chem Conference Spam
I am not a laser spectroscopist (or, as I like to call them, "glorified physicists"), yet I get this in my inbox this morning...Dear Colleagues,
This is a second announcement on the Marie Curie Chair Conference Recent advances in laser spectroscopy and laser technology. The conference will be held in Lodz, Poland, from the 29th to 31st May, 2007. As you can see we have an outstanding scientific and social program planned so we believe that this will be the best conference ever. This is a reminder that the abstract deadline is March 15, 2007.You must submit the abstract on line. Students may also apply for travel funds at the same time as they submit an abstract. Details on the conference, including all information for abstract submission for congress lectures and posters , travel awards and the scientific program can be obtained at our web site http://mitr.p.lodz.pl/evu/
Hotels booking is already open - be sure to get the low early bird rate which expires on April 29,2007.
As a cosmopolitan city, Lodz is well known for its hospitability and warmth. So join us in Lodz in 2007. This surely will be an unforgettable experience.
So, uh... anyone want to go to Poland? Łódź is Poland's second-largest city and it lies smack-dab in the middle of the country. Also, Marie Curie was born in Poland, so... that's a plus too, I guess.
Of course! Why would I want to miss the best conference ever?
...Anything to get me out of this city, really.
Hey Poland is cool! And Lodz! ...where exactly is Lodz?
No love for the laser spectroscopists? (Never mind that taking spectroscopy this semester means I have no love for them either.)
I got spam this morning from China, about a polar fleece blanket company. They stated that they had attached a blanket to the email. The wonders of the internet.
Don't forget, the last Pope was also born in Poland.
And Fortinbras was off in Poland fighting while Hamlet went around killing everyone in Denmark.
And South Bend, IN's sister city is somewhere in Poland that has a lot of consonants but very few vowels.
Also, my daugther's best friend is from Poland. Hooray Poland!
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